How many women have heard "You can't do that here!" when trying to nurse in a public place? Parents TV's Anne Ebeling explores the issue of public breastfeeding from etiquette to laws that protect nu ...
Learn all about the recent Hollywood pregnancy trend of belly casting. The Pregnancy Show gives you an exclusive look at how to make your own belly cast. ...
Pregnancy massage may reduce stress, decrease swelling in arms and legs, and relieve aches and pains in muscles and joints. Pregnancy massage is becoming increasingly popular with mothers-to-be. You m ...
Liz Rodriguez demonstrates that to keep yourself fit when you are pregnant, you should do the following: squats, stretching lunge, and cat curls. These pre-natal workouts require a bench, footwear, an ...
In these videos, you will learn some techniques for staying fit during the course of your pregnancy. You will see demonstrations of several exercises that you can perform from the first through the th ...
Learning the basics about your body during pregnancy can help you better understand the physical changes you'll experience over the next few months. ...